Oh my goodness it has been way too long since the last post! My bad! I am going to try and do better, even though at this point I am not super optimistic about it! But, my friend Michelle is my new blog idol, so I am going to try and be cool like her! ;) Tonight was FHE and it was so much fun! Not too much singing this time, well actually only one verse so not too bad at all! We played Family Feud and Tiffany was on the other team, we totally smoked them! hahhaahaha we are so good! Tiffany is leaving tomorrow and I do not like the fact at all! She is taking the train which should be interesting! Tonight we went to Wal*Mart and oh my freaking gosh it was jammed, it took like 30mins to get through the checkout that we were in, we suck at picking the quick lanes! I have already had to do homework and what should have been a quick assignment turned into a long drawn out thing with me Freaking out and Tiffany telling me I'm stupid, and it is my own opinion. BUT... Gosh it was hard, there was a list of 22 different values and we were supposed to rank them in order of importance 1 being the highest level. Here is my list, and just keep in mind it is an opinion thing, and know that I probably switched almost each of them 3 or 4 times, I am pathetic!
Value Exercise
1. Religion
2. Family
3. Friendship
4. Health
5. Autonomy
6. Love
7. Honesty
8. Altruism
9. Creativity
10. Emotional Well- being
11. Loyalty
12. Justice
13. Wisdom
14. Knowledge
15. Wealth
16. Beauty
17. Achievement
18. Pleasure
19. Duty
20. Success
21. Recognition
22. Power
Even now I am rethinking it, but I am DONE and do not care anymore!
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