Monday, February 05, 2007

Why am I so Lucky???

I have the greatest friends ever! Tonight we had FHE with the entire ward, and some of the groups were rearranged. Our apartment and Megan and Jerilyn's were ripped away from our stable family situation and put into a single parent family with some random people. Jerilyn put it best when she said it was like we are Foster children. Being ripped away from our family and put into a new strange place! ;) Michelle and Kimberly are still in our old family, which is so sad because they make FHE fun and bearable! But, Susie has invited me to come for visitations whenever I want, oh man it really is like being a foster kid! =( I am going to try to have a decent attitude about the entire situation, luckily the Church is Still True! I am so grateful for my friends and for everything that they do for me! I feel so bad bothering people with my crappy day, but I am so grateful for people who listen to me complain and make me laugh and take my mind off things! I have no idea what I would do without friends! Heck even people who have "important" callings were willing to listen to me complain! ;) So to all my friends THANK YOU!!! You are amazing and I am grateful for everything you do!!!


michelleyv said...

Ode to my long lost sisters. . .

Boy we miss your smiling faces,
we were so sad to hear you're going places.
Yep, susie, aaron, mick & kim
What are we doing? You guessed it. . .hymn after hymn.

Love ya, Melis!

Kimmy said...

What a sad day that was! I miss you so much already, even though I saw you tonight. You are amazing with your "important calling"! Love ya.