Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Good News and Bad News

So today was the big day that I was going to find out if a certain someone (BR) has a girlfriend. Well I am happy to report that he does not! That is the good news! The bad news is that now I actually have to ask him out! I am not sure I can do this! Confession: I have honestly only been on like 4 dates my entire life. I am such a loser I know, don't think less of me because of it. In high school we always just hung out with a huge group and there was not as much breaking off. Then in Hawaii it was like 5 girls to every guy at church so we again just did group stuff. Needless to say I am pathetic and a huge loser! Now I am going to have to get the courage to ask someone I really like out, I have probably never actually liked someone as much as I like BR! What if he says no, then I have the rest of the semester in class with him! Oh my goodness I need the paper bag! ;) I really am pathetic!

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

You can do it Melissa! You are amazing!!!