Friday, March 30, 2007

It is an Honor!

The other night Dad called and said that they had received a letter from my school about some award that I was going to receive. I was kinda shocked by it and really still do not know what to think about the award. As part of being the "outstanding student" I have been invited to sit on the platform during Graduation ceremonies. I was really sad, because I want to walk with my friends for graduation and have the fun times of being with my "groupies". I went by the Dean's office today and I am pretty sure the secretary thinks I am retarded. She just kept saying what an honor it was for a person to receive this award, and how one day I will realize how important this honor is! Yeah Whatever, me and Important do not go in the same paragraph!

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

Important huh? Yep, that's right. Finally someone who is on my team. What's that ladies name again? I'm calling to thank her!