Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I have a new Best Friend!

Tonight my roommates and I decided to go to cold stone to get ice cream! I was so happy to see that they had added new flavors including Light Cake Batter! Don't really know how it is light but whatever, I felt better about it! I even told the people they were my new best friends before asking for a sample. Next thing you know some nice young man is handing me a spoon that is heaped full of light cake batter ice cream! When I reacted with suprise, Josh informed me that because we were best friends now I deserved it! Haha Yep you got it me and Josh new BFFs!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Just to let you know, we went to cold stone and I didn't see your new bff, good thing too, or things might have gotten UGLY!
