Sunday, May 20, 2007

Running With MY Angels

Yesterday was a day I will never forget! I had the chance to do the Running with Angels 5K! I am so glad that I pushed myself to sign up for it and to actually show up and do it. I don't think I have been as nervous as I was in a really long time! The race started and I was freaking out! What the Heck was I thinking! I just kept telling myself I could do it and pushed on. Everytime I thought I couldn't do it anymore I would see something or something would come to my mind and I kept pushing on! I would see one of my friends running past me and wave and keep pushing on! One of my favorite memories was the time right after mile 2 when the sprinklers were on and I saw a rainbow in the water and I just smiled and sang the stinking "Rainbow" song for the next couple minutes! Then when I made it to the end of the race and turned towards the finish line there were MY running Angels Megan, Jerilyn, Misty and then Michelle was at the finish line to greet me! I am so lucky to have amazing friends who support me and Love me! I honestly do not know if I would have been able to accomplish this goal without the help of my Friends and Family! My family was fantastic Mom tried to talk me out of it at first but after assuring her I really was sure about it jumped on the bandwagon and was a huge motivator! Thanks to Marissa and Kimmy for the encouraging text messages and for being so fantastic! So the Goals of the Running With Angels 5K were accomplished suprisingly! I thought for sure that I was not going to finish in under an hour but I guess my Ipod had the wrong time or something because when I crossed the finish line the time said 50minutes ish. I will post the official time later! I can't wait for next year and the next race!

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

You are very amazing Melissa! What would I do without you? I'm so grateful. Wish that I had been there to greet you at the finish line! Love ya.