Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is Mystery, TODAY IS A GIFT. ~~Eleanor Roosevelt~~
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Bonfire Fun and Tire Drama
Last night a few friends from the ward decided to go up to the canyon and have a bonfire. I had no other plans so I decided to go ahead and go up with Jun. We got a tad lost and then luckily I still had cell phone service and Jennifer and Becky came out and we followed them back up. We went hiking into the canyon and found an open spot and started our fire. Then some psycho guy who was sleeping in a tent freaked out and told us to move somewhere else. We had a great fire going at that point too! So we put the fire out and headed back to the parking lot. We met up with some other people from the ward and then went and were able to find an open spot at a different part of the canyon. It was a ton of fun and good memories! We noticed that Becky's tire had picked up a nice sized Bolt head. She started to drive down the canyon on it but it popped out and the tire went completly flat just before Vivian Park so we changed the tire on the side of the road, luckily Brandon came up so he was able to supervise and teach us all what to do. Rashae learned how to hold the flash light;) Jana did most of the jacking up of the car.
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