So Today at 5pm Pacific Standard Time I will begin my first Law School Final in Torts! But ready or not, here it comes! I wrote a little poem in honor of the event.
Roses are red, violets blue, law school finals make me wonder about swine flu! :) Yeah as you can see my creative juices are GONE! :) hahaha I will have a better poem once December 18th rolls around and I am on "vacation" until the 11th of January!!!!!
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Law School Update
Oh my goodness! I can not believe that I am already more than half way through the first semester of law school! I am happy to report that I am not crying as often as I did at the beginning and I have learned that although this is hard I can do it! As for the bad news, well let's just say it is a good thing I have thick hair so I can compensate for the loss ;) I am managing to stay afloat and even have made time for social events! I really miss Utah and wish I was there at least once a day, but I know that Law School is only temporary! There is a quote that says "Law School is a marathon not a sprint, so pace yourself!" I am not going to lie I used to hate this quote and still am not as fond of it as others, but it is true! I wish law school was only like a 5k but alas three years equals 26.2 miles! ;) So... I figured that I would post a few pictures of the fun times that are law school students outside of the classroom and library! I should add the disclaimer that yes there is alcohol, but no I am not drinking it :) So enjoy these pictures and expect an update in the near future of some family and friend visits to the law school hermit (me)
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Ok so I realize that I have been really bad at blogging and well I would say that I would get better but honestly at this point I can't make any promises that I am not sure I will carry through with! I would hate to make a contract and not be able to follow through with it thereby creating a breach! I will say that I recently made a big time purchase of a new computer and once it arrives I will post all sorts of fun pictures from my summer bucket list! So at least you will have something to look forward to! Until then I thought I would share a little list that one of my friends sent to me this morning! Enjoy!
You Know You're In Law School When:
*you consider dropping out every hour, but after that first semester, you realized you were already in too much debt to be anything other than a lawyer.
*the drama in your life rivals that of high school
*you can't remember if you decided to go to law school because you wanted to help people and make a difference in the world or because you hate yourself.
*you can name, without hesitation, at least three people who make you want to throw things when you see them raise their hands in class.
*you have nicknames for the class members you dislike most, because of course, you’ve never actually spoken to them.
*Your breakfast consists of a coke on the way to class. (side not my drink of choice is diet cherry pepsi)
*You wear the same pair of jeans for 13 days straight (without washing them)
*You spend more time in the law library than you do at your apartment
*You are single handidly keeping the local pizza place in business.
I am sure I will be adding to this list as time goes on! But for now, I am going to bed, and before midnight even! Tonight is a great night! :)
You Know You're In Law School When:
*you consider dropping out every hour, but after that first semester, you realized you were already in too much debt to be anything other than a lawyer.
*the drama in your life rivals that of high school
*you can't remember if you decided to go to law school because you wanted to help people and make a difference in the world or because you hate yourself.
*you can name, without hesitation, at least three people who make you want to throw things when you see them raise their hands in class.
*you have nicknames for the class members you dislike most, because of course, you’ve never actually spoken to them.
*Your breakfast consists of a coke on the way to class. (side not my drink of choice is diet cherry pepsi)
*You wear the same pair of jeans for 13 days straight (without washing them)
*You spend more time in the law library than you do at your apartment
*You are single handidly keeping the local pizza place in business.
I am sure I will be adding to this list as time goes on! But for now, I am going to bed, and before midnight even! Tonight is a great night! :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Dear new roommate that is replacing Megan,
Is Moving your stuff in at 1130PM and turning on the air conditioner really the best way to start off our time together? I would say hell no! Now would you please stop banging into my door so that I can go to sleep! Oh and sorry if I hit your door at 745am when I have to leave for work!
Love your not so excited roommate!
P.s. I would have been more than willing to have helped you move tomorrow at a decent time!
Is Moving your stuff in at 1130PM and turning on the air conditioner really the best way to start off our time together? I would say hell no! Now would you please stop banging into my door so that I can go to sleep! Oh and sorry if I hit your door at 745am when I have to leave for work!
Love your not so excited roommate!
P.s. I would have been more than willing to have helped you move tomorrow at a decent time!
Sunday, March 01, 2009
What was I thinking!!???
So the ward had a dinner/activity on Saturday night at Aspen Grove up in the canyon. I debated about going but finally decided it would be good to support the ward, and Krishna is on the activity committee and I felt bad making her go alone. So we get there and they luckily serve something other than red meat (which made me very happy since last time, I went there for a dinner I couldn't eat red meat for like 6 months after!) So after the meal they start the "activity". It begins with the bishop and his wife telling the story of how they met, fell in love and got married. GAG! Then they announce that we will be playing "Singled Out". Now growing up in my teen years I watched some episodes of this game on MTV and compared to the rest of my ward, who don't even know what MTV is I am a pro. (Or so I thought!) The game begins and the guy they brought in for the game is my roommates ex boyfriend! Realizing that it would not be a good idea for me to go out with him I decide I will "throw" the game. The questions start and I decide it is too obvious to leave on the first question, so I answer that how I think he would answer. Right answer and I am still in the game. Then from there my plan was to answer opposite as I thought he would. 3 questions later it is down to 5 girls and somehow I am contestant number 4. So the individual questions begin. #1 Sing me your favorite love song (which btw only one of us would do and she sang every one's songs. #2. What would be your ideal date including me: The losing answer was hiking. My answer.... "Ummmm go to a movie and play mario kart" <-- I was going for the I'm lame and don't like to talk. Dang still in the game. #3. If you were a dessert what would you be and why? The losing answer Apple Pie. My answer "I would be a fudge brownie with nuts because I am crazy." Ummm yeah got that right crazy for still being involved in this lame game. Finally question #4. If you met me on the street give me your best pick up line: I knew I was in trouble at this point since I know only 1 pick up line thanks to Jerilyn. So contestant 1 goes and comes up with " Are you from Tennessee? Cause you're the only 10 I see!" OK so maybe I am going to lose! So then comes my turn and I drop "Are those space pants you're wearing? Because your bum is out of this world!" Oh man the bishop covered his face and I just started praying he really liked Tennessee. NOPE Despite all my efforts I won the game. So Monday at 7pm I will be enjoying Brick Oven with Derek. yippee! ;) Moral of this story: Next time make it obvious and leave on question 1. No need to be cocky and think I know the ins and outs of dating game shows since I obviously do not.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
25 Random Facts

1. I was born and raised in Central California. Atwater, Merced, and Fresno
2. My first airplane ride was when I was a sophmore in High School and I went to Provo to visit Debbie, Karl and Lisa.
3. I lived in Hawaii from August 2001-May 2002 while I attended Hawaii Pacific University and miss a lot about living there!
4. I have run 3 5Ks races and am looking forward to doing more.
5. I served a mission in the Indiana Indianapolis Mission and loved ever minute of it!
6. I love brushing my teeth
7. I was sent home for 6 weeks from Indiana on Medical Leave and returned less a galbladder.
8. I have an abnormal addicition to Chips and Salsa
9. I love Disneyland and would love to work there!
10. I have worked at the Courthouse since July 2007.
11. I have worked at both the American Fork and Provo Courthouses.
12. I really did consider not going back to Provo when the opportunity was given but have not regreted my decision at all.
13. I am going to Law School in August 2009 but have no clue where yet.
14. I applied to 15 different law schools in 8 different States.
15. My favorite colors are orange, yellow, and purple.
16. My jeep isn't 4 wheel drive and I have been mocked recently for this reason.
17. I enjoy talking with a Minnesotan Accent. Don't ya Know
18. Mario Kart Wii rocks my world.
19. I bake when I get stressed, however I don't eat the stuff I bake.
20. I like scrapbooking and am finishing my mission pics.
21. I would love to figure out how to digital scrapbook.
22. I have always wanted to be a Lawyer, I debated a few times, but the desire has never gone away.
23. I love making flowcharts, and to do lists. I find satisfaction in crossing stuff off my list as I finish them.
24. I have a phobia of rollerskating and refuse to do it. Thanks to a tragic incident in 3rd grade skate party.
25. I gave up caffeine and Soda in general for Lent last year! (Yeah I know I'm not Catholic just decided it was a good time to do it). ;)
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